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Puerta De Bisagra


The main entrance to the city of Toledo, built in 1550 by order of the Emperor Charles V. Plateresque in style, it is the original work of the great architect Alonso de Covarrubias. more


Patio de Carlos V


The old cloisters of the ex-Dominican convent of San Pedro El Mårtir were built in the 16th century by Alonso de Covarrubias. Here, the order combined its service to the Spanish inquisition with the privilege of promulgating crusade bulls, which was a papal grace granted to the Catholic Kings. It currently houses the University of Castilla La Mancha. more


Cristo de los Faroles


In this spot the simplicity of the Capuchin convent meets the artistic facade of the Hospital de San Jacinto, presided over by the Cristo de los Faroles, is a beautiful land representative example of the Cordoban night. more


Baños de la Judería de Baza


Built in the Alhambra according to the Roman bath model, they consist of different chambers: Apoditerium (dressing room), Frigidarium (cold water pool), Tepidarium (warm room) and Caldarium (steam room). more


Patio de los Arrayanes


One of the most representative and charming parts of the Alhambra, the royal palace of the Nasrid sovereigns of the kingdom of Granada. Year 1333. more


Casa Canaria


Opposite the Toledan "Plaza de Valdecaleros" stands this unique Canary Island style house in La Laguna (Tenerife) with its large wooden balcony. more


Ermita de San Antonio de la Florida


Built by F. Fontana in 1732, this hermitage is famous for the frescoes that Goya painted in its dome and pendentives in 1798. The Madrid tradition remembers the "Romeria" or Procession held on the 13th of June, in which the young maidens ask the Saint for an appropriate boyfriend. more


Casa de “El Greco”


House and museum of the Greek painter Domenikos Theotokopoulos. The museum was opened in 1911 on the initiative of Marqués de la Vega-Inclán, who recovered the land in order to shelter the painter's works, dispersed around Toledo. more


Plaza de Santa María


Located at the " Burgos Cathedral" main facade. more


Palacio de la Diputación


Built in 1416 by the architect March Cafout. The main elements of its facade, the Gothic gallery and the projecting staircase correspond, in the original building, to the Patio of Honor. more


Iglesia S. Félix de Torralba de Ribota


Its construction was ordered by the bishop of Tarazona in 1367. The church of San Félix de Torralba de Ribota is another typical church-fortress in the Aragonese Mudejar style. Along its side chapels there is a passage, open to the exterior by a series of arches, that was aimed for military guard duty. more


Torre de Santa Caterina


This bell tower was built by Juan Bautista Vifies as a fine example of the Baroque Valencian Style (1688 — 1705). The tower is hexagonal and 49 metres high. It has five bodies, the last of which is decorated with helicoidal (spiral) columns. more


Plaza Mayor

Fernando Chueca wanted to reproduce the style and the ambience of the typical Spanish town squares surrounded by porticos. more




A very fine and obvious example of the numerous civil structures in the Basque country. more


Calle Mayor

The main street flanked on the right by Casa de Las Águila de Avila and the house of Doña Leonor de la Vega. They are original from Santillana de Mar, Santander, a typical Northern Spanish Gothic style. more


Torre del Oro


Built at the beginning of the 13th century, it is a magnificent example of the Almohades fortifications. It used to form part of the defence forces of the Alcázar de Sevilla and was used to watch the entrances to the city port. more


Plaza de Luis Vives


Through a small bridge, we arrive at the Plaza de Luis Vives (1492-1540). The dominant buildings in this square showcase Catalan and Aragonese architectural styles. […] more


Barrio Andaluz

The colourful flowers adorning the windows of these houses are typical of this region: Ronda houses (Málaga), Buildings of Granada, Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) and the Deán's house (Arcos de la Frontera). more


Ermita del Cristo de la Luz


Previously the Bad-AI-Mardum mosque, finished in 999 when Al-Mansur was the Caliph of Cordoba. more


Puerta de Toledo

Ciudad Real

Erected in 1328 during the reign of Alfonso Xl. It is a dear example of the fusion of Gothic and Moorish styles. more


Casa con soportales de Bejar

La Casa con Soportales de Béjar es un ejemplo de la arquitectura tradicional de muchas plazas mayores en ciudades castellanas. Estos soportales son una característica […] more


Casa de los Maldonado


A typical example of the civil Plateresque style from the end of the 16th century. more

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