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The old cloisters of the ex-Dominican convent of San Pedro El Mårtir were built in the 16th century by Alonso de Covarrubias. Here, the order combined its service to the Spanish inquisition with the privilege of promulgating crusade bulls, which was a papal grace granted to the Catholic Kings. It currently houses the University of Castilla La Mancha. more
Built by F. Fontana in 1732, this hermitage is famous for the frescoes that Goya painted in its dome and pendentives in 1798. The Madrid tradition remembers the "Romeria" or Procession held on the 13th of June, in which the young maidens ask the Saint for an appropriate boyfriend. more
Its construction was ordered by the bishop of Tarazona in 1367. The church of San Félix de Torralba de Ribota is another typical church-fortress in the Aragonese Mudejar style. Along its side chapels there is a passage, open to the exterior by a series of arches, that was aimed for military guard duty. more